Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Reflections!

In the second quarter of T.L.E IV,I learned a lot of things,about the HTM. Htm editors like notepad,simple text and k-edit.I learned the most essential web standards like HTM,CSS,XMl and XHTMl.And I also learned about the different tags.
I have also encountered some challenges in this subject.I challenge to type faster and I also challenged to work fast,to post a blog and to save.
With the help of my friends,classmates and specially my good and nice teacher,I easily undesrtand our topic,lesson or activity.
I enjoy this subject,so exciting....!I LOVE TLE IV...


  1. I read your post!! very good!! Keep up the good work

  2. very nice! post kul8..:D
    .little challenge,try not to involve othres in doing activities.hehe!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i also love tle IV.. keep it up..,
